Earlier this year, my parents found out a crappy Huqiu SLR, together with it a roll of Fuji Superia 200. As shown on the box, it has been expired for more than a decade. I have wanted to try this roll of film since I got it, for I have never tried expired film before. Recently, I finally got the chance.
To be honest, I was quite surprised when I received scans from the lab, for it well exceeded my expectations. As far as I know, it has been sitting in our attic for years, and has been baked on many summers days. Temperatures here can reach 40 degrees in the summer and I thought emulsion must have decayed quite a bit. However, it turned out to be quite good. The rule of thumb is to add 1 stop of exposure every 10 year after being expired, so I rated it at EI 80 and developed normally at 200. It is more or less near, since most photos have good exposure. Some photos are overexposed, but I believe it is has to do with wrong metering methods, and I corrected them in post. Right out of the scanner, I noticed heavy yellow and green cast in some photos. I’m not sure if it is the film itself or the process it being scanned. Personally I guess the scanner or the operator of the scanner might be responsible. Some people regard this green-yellow-ish color “Japanese Style”, but I’m not a huge fan of it, so I corrected it in post. Still, you can see some color cast in shadows.
By the way, developing film in China is extremely affordable. Develop and scanning this roll of film only cost me 26RMB (4$ equivalent).
Here comes the photos. Leave a comment if you like. : D
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